
Chat Message Timer

Send custom messages to chat on a given interval

You can easily execute any of your actions in Streamer.bot at a given interval with Timed Actions.

Read more in Guide > Settings > Timed Actions

In this example, we are going to create a simple timer to send a chat message every 5 minutes.



Create a new action

Right-Click the Actions pane in Streamer.bot and select Add to create a new action.Create Action Dialog

Create a timer trigger

With your new action selected, Right-Click in the Triggers pane and select Core > Timed Actions to add a timer trigger.Create Trigger DialogClick the Create Timer button to create a new timer.

Configure your timer settings

  • Enabled is checked
    • This turns the timer on or off, which can be easily changed later in Settings > Timed Actions
  • Repeat is checked
    • This tells the timer to repeat at the configured interval
  • Interval is set to 600 seconds (5 minutes)
Timer Settings DialogClick Ok to save your timer. Click Ok again to save your trigger with your new timer.Confirm Trigger
Now we have a timer executing our action every 5 minutes!

Make our action do something

The Send Message to Channel sub-action allows us to easily send text to our Twitch chat.
Right-Click in the sub-actions pane and select Twitch > Chat > Send Message to Channel
You will then see the sub-action dialog:Send Message Sub-Action
  • Change the Preferred Account if you wish to change the account to send the message from
  • Type your desired message content into the Message box


Your custom message will be sent to Twitch chat every 5 minutes!
Chat message preview

Tips & Tricks

  • You can view, edit, and delete all your timers by navigating to Settings > Timed Actions
  • You can create dynamic messages by utilizing %variables% in the message box
    Read more in Guide > Variables