

Configuration of actions and sub-actions


Perhaps the most important piece of, actions are at the center of everything you do.

You can configure actions for anything from basic alerts and shoutouts to extremely complex integrations such as TerrierDart's Leaderboard Points System

Actions consist of configurable sets of sub-actions that can be executed by's event sources, such as Triggers, Commands, various integrations such as Elgato Stream Deck, and even your own voice!

Sub-actions even have the ability to trigger other actions, giving you the ability to organize significant pieces of your setup into consolidated sections, and share logic across multiple event sources.

As sub-actions are executed, another important feature of comes into play, the argument stack, which consists of all variables available at a given time.

Each sub-action has the ability to populate new variables for upcoming sub-actions, read existing variables from earlier sub-actions, or even modify them on the fly!


To get started, navigate to Actions in Actions Configuration

The actions tab is split into 3 main parts:

  1. Actions - All of your configured actions are listed here, sorted by group
  2. Triggers - All triggers configured for the selected action will be listed here
  3. Sub-Actions - All sub-actions configured for the selected action will be listed here
Explore the Import & Export Guide to learn how to import actions shared by the community!

To create your first action, Right-Click in the actions pane and select Add to open the configuration dialog

Add Action Dialog



The friendly name the action will be referred as throughout the bot


Optionally type or select a group name.

This is used to organize similar actions into collapsible sections to keep the interface clean if you have a large number of actions


Assign this action to an Action Queue

The Default queue is configured as a non-blocking queue, meaning actions will execute immediately on request and are allowed to run concurrently.
Learn more about Action Queues below

Toggle this action on or off

Random Action (RA)

Randomly execute a single sub-action from within this action

Sub-action groups will be treated as a single entity and will execute as if they were a standalone action.
This option enables the Weight configuration on sub-actions, allowing you to adjust the probability that specific sub-actions will be chosen.
Concurrent (CC)

Execute all sub-actions in this action simultaneously, rather than waiting for each step to complete.

This will also ignore the Delay sub-action
Always Run

Force this action to execute even if the queue is in a Paused state

Exclude from Action Queue Pending/History

Exclude this action from being logged to the action history.

This option is recommended for frequently executed actions to improve performance of your bot

Context Menu

Right-Click any existing action to reveal the context menu.

Many of the configuration options outlined above can be quickly modified here.

Additional context menu options are outlined below:


Create a new action


Open the configuration dialog for the selected action


Delete the selected action

You can reinstate delete confirmations in the Settings tab


Create a copy of the selected action, including all of its sub-actions.

Editing C# code within a duplicated action will not affect the original code.

Copy Action ID

Copy the unique ID of the selected action to your clipboard.

Collapse All

Collapse all action groups in the action pane

Expand All

Expand all action groups in the action pane


To activate the sub-actions pane, you must first select an action by clicking on it in the main actions pane.

Right-Click anywhere in the sub-actions pane to browse sub-actions and add them to your selected action.

Explore all available sub-actions and their configuration options in the Sub-Actions API References

Context Menu

Right-Click any existing sub-action to reveal additional context menu options:

Favorite Sub-Actions

Opens the list of sub-actions you have marked as favorites.

To add something to this list go to the Sub-Action e.g. YouTube --> Send Message to Channel and right click on it, now it should appear in the favorite Sub-Actions list. To remove one go to Favorite Sub-Actions and right-click on the one that you'd like to remove.

Edit Sub-Action

Open the configuration dialog for the selected sub-action

This is the same as double-clicking on the sub-action

Copy Sub-Action

Copy the selected sub-action to the clipboard

This creates a Base64 string intended to be pasted into other actions, but it can also be sent to notepad or any other computer to be imported into another instance of

Paste Sub-Action

Paste a copied sub-action into the selected action

Duplicate Sub-Action

Clones the selected sub-action into the currently open action

Delete Sub-Action

Delete the selected sub-action

This will show a confirmation dialog by default

Add Group

Create a sub-action group

If the action contains any groups the Move to Group sub menu will show below this

Delete Group

Delete the selected group

Only shows if selection is a group folder

Rename Group

Rename the selected group

Only shows if selection is a group folder


Boolean flag for disabling a sub-action for diagnostic purposes

Disabled sub-actions will be highlighted with Red text


Boolean flag to set a group folder as Random Execution

This will only execute a single, random sub-action from within the group.


The weight of the Sub-Action when the Action/Group is set on Random.

Setting a group to Random will also enable the Weight options on sub-actions inside that group. Weighting is used to make a sub-action more or less likely to be chosen

Delete all sub-actions

Remove all sub-actions from this action

This will show a confirmation dialog by default


Change the order of your sub-actions

This has the same effect as keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + ↑ and Ctrl + ↓

Valid options are Up, Down, Top, Bottom

You can also drag and drop items both up and down the list and into and out of group folders

Action Queues

Documentation Needed
Action Queue documentation needed
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