Extra Features

Streamer.bot Chat

Multi-stream chat client with deep Streamer.bot integration

Streamer.bot Chat

Streamer.bot Chat


Streamer.bot ships with a built-in chat client to provide you with direct integration between chat and your bot's actions.

Multi Stream Support

Chat can connect to all supported streaming platforms in Streamer.bot itself:
  • Twitch
  • YouTube
  • Trovo
To suggest a new platform, visit Streamer.bot Ideas & Suggestions
Note: Kick and TikTok currently do not provide a public API, which is required for support

By default, the chat window will enable a tabbed view for all broadcaster accounts you have connected.

While on the combined chat view, you can toggle which chat(s) to send to:

Multi-Chat Toggle


Keyboard shortcuts exist to easily direct your chat messages to/from different accounts:

EnterSend to selected chat(s)
Shift+EnterSend to all chats
Ctrl+EnterSend to selected chat(s) with the bot account
Ctrl+Shift+EnterSend to all chats with the bot account

Command Menus

Autocomplete menus exist for the following options:

/Slash Commands
:Emote Autocomplete
!Streamer.bot Commands

Slash Commands

You can open the slash command menu with /

Slash commands contain a set of actions that are directly integrated with your Streamer.bot instance.

For example, you can type /action to reveal a menu with all actions in your Streamer.bot instance to directly execute.

Some commands support Multi-Platform execution, such as /title which can set the title of both Twitch and YouTube broadcasts simultaneously.

Slash Commands Menu

Slash Commands Menu

Streamer.bot Commands

You can open the command menu with the ! prefix

For commands to appear in the command menu they must be configured with:

  • Set Location to Start
  • Start with the ! prefix

When selecting a command, Enter will submit the command immediately to chat.

If you wish to add input for a command, use Tab to select the command and continue typing.

Streamer.bot Commands Menu

Streamer.bot Commands Menu

Emote Autocomplete

You can open the emote menu with :

Emote autocomplete can be triggered at any time and contains emotes from the following sources:

  • Twitch
  • YouTube
  • 7TV (Twitch & YouTube)
  • FFZ (Twitch)
  • BTTV (Twitch & YouTube)

To select an emote and continue typing, you can use either Enter / Tab

Emotes Menu

Emotes Menu

Quick Actions

In settings, you can configure Quick Actions for 3 different sources.

Quick Actions allow you to immediately execute any of your Streamer.bot actions with custom arguments.


Global Quick Actions are displayed in the bottom-left of the chat window and can be executed at any time.

Global Quick Actions

Global Quick Actions


User Quick Actions are displayed in the View User popup windows that display when you click on a username in chat.

Additional arguments are populated with the usual user args for the respective platform.

User Quick Actions

User Quick Actions


Per-message quick actions appear when you hover over a specific chat message.

Additional arguments are populated with the usual message args for the respective platform.

Message Quick Actions

Message Quick Actions


Event quick actions appear when you hover any event message


Message and event highlights can be customized for a variety of events.

Chat Highlight Settings

Chat Highlight Settings

Chat Highlights

Chat Highlights

OBS Browser Dock

You can dock the Streamer.bot chat in your OBS studio instance.

Streamer.bot v0.2.5 or later is required to be able to send messages from docked chat
Earlier versions will be limited to read-only mode



Enable WebSocket Server

In Streamer.bot, navigate to Servers / Clients > WebSocket Server
  • Enable Auto-Start to automatically start the server when Streamer.bot starts up
  • Enable Authentication and set a Password to allow sending messages
  • Start the server if it is not already started

Configure OBS Studio

In OBS Studio, navigate to Docks > Custom Browser Docks from the menu bar
You can add any of the following URLs:
Streamer.bot Chathttps://chat.streamer.bot/feed/chat
Streamer.bot Event Feedhttps://chat.streamer.bot/feed/events
OBS Browser Docks Dialog
OBS Browser Docks Dialog

Configure Connection Details

  • Enter your Streamer.bot WebSocket Server details in the dialog:
Streamer.bot Chat WebSocket Config
Streamer.bot Chat WebSocket Config


You've got Streamer.bot Chat fully functioning as a browser dock in OBS Studio!


All settings in OBS Studio docks and browser sources are shared with each other, but they are separate from the internal Streamer.bot chat window.

Sync from Streamer.bot

You can sync settings from the main Streamer.bot chat window in Settings > General

This is a one-way sync, from Streamer.bot to the docked chat and will override all existing settings on the docked chat.


Docked chat is limited in some ways due to requiring the WebSocket Server to function independently of Streamer.bot:

  • Local Access might be required
    • This depends on the security settings of your web browser or environment
      • i.e. modern web browsers will block connections to other IP Addresses
    • The recommended solution to work around this is with secure tunnels
      • e.g. Tailscale Serve, Cloudflare Tunnel, ngrok, etc...
  • Built-in moderation actions are removed
    • Custom quick actions can be used as a workaround for most of these
  • Most built-in slash commands are removed


Chat Overlay Preview

Chat Overlay Preview

Overlay mode is currently experimental and is subject to active changes



Enable WebSocket Server

In Streamer.bot, navigate to Servers / Clients > WebSocket Server
  • Enable Auto-Start to automatically start the server when Streamer.bot starts up
  • Start the server if it is not already started

Configure Chat Overlay

Navigate to Settings > Overlay in the Streamer.bot Chat window
  • Modify any overlay settings, which will then be persisted in the URL
  • Make sure that the WebSocket Server Configuration matches your Streamer.bot WebSocket Server settings

Add to OBS Studio

  • Click Save & Copy Overlay URL to save your settings and copy the URL to your clipboard
  • Add a new browser source in OBS Studio and paste the copied URL


You now have a Streamer.bot chat overlay source in OBS Studio!