
Obs Filter Settings

Can StreamerBot change the settings within a filter (like Move Value or Move Source)?

This can be done with an OBS Raw subaction (OBS -> Raw) and a SetSourceFilterSettings request. To find out what the correct settings for a request are called, you can manually set the settings on your filter and do a GetSourceFilter request beforehand. This will give you the list of settings.

In this example a GetSourceFilter request for a Move Value filter with a Type Writer effect on a text source was done and returned "settings_text". So we use that in our SetSourceFilterSettings request like so.

You can also use variables within the request (Note: If you click "Test" on the Raw subaction, the variable won't be populated. In that case you will have to test the entire action).

  "requestType": "SetSourceFilterSettings",
  "requestData": {
    "sourceName": "Test Text Source",
    "filterName": "Move Value",
    "filterSettings": {
      "setting_text": "%user% said: %rawInput%"
    "overlay": true

This can also be done for filters on a scene, but you won’t be able to select it on the OBS Raw website. In that case, do a request in a subaction, use the scene name as the sourceName and hit “Test”.