
Obs Connection

Why is my Streamer.bot not connecting to OBS?

There could be various reasons for this, but here are some common solutions:

  • Ensure that the Enable WebSocket Server option is enabled in OBS
  • Ensure you have entered matching IP, Port, and Password configuration in both OBS and Streamer.bot
  • If Streamer.bot and OBS are running on the same PC, use as the IP, otherwise make sure you are using the correct LAN IP address (e.g. 192.168.1.x)
  • If you are trying to access OBS over an outside network, such as a VPN or tunnel, you should bind the OBS WebSocket server to
  • If you are on the same network, you can consider deactivating authentication
  • In rare cases, the default port 4455 is already occupied, you can try changing it to something else like 4456 or 1234
  • Make sure you are using the correct obs-websocket version. If you aren't sure, you should select v5.x on the connection configuration in Streamer.bot