Get Team Info For Target

Twitch Sub-Actions Reference


Collects follow data from a Twitch user.

![overview.png](/Sub-Actions/Twitch/get-team-info-for-target/overview.png =400x)


Source Type

BroadcasterThe broadcast user.
UserUser that invoked the action e.g. a raid leader, subscriber, point redeemer etc.
From InputThis will take the next word proceeding the trigger as the username to lookup. This user does not have to be present in the channel
VariableUse the content of an existing variable as the target


If you selected Variable as your Source Type, enter the name of the variable you would like to read in.


teamId#The id of the target's team.
teamName#The name of the target's team.
teamDisplayName#The display name of the target's team.
teamBackgroundUrl#The background url of the target's team.
teamBannerUrl#The banner url of the target's team.
_jsonTeamDataThe json, used for coding in C#.