Create Clip

Create a 30-second Twitch Clip
Due to Twitch API restrictions, the generated clip will always be 30 seconds long and will be titled to match your current stream title. To make your own changes to the clip duration or title, you must manually edit the clip later.


The following variables will be populated after executing this sub-action:

createClipSuccessBoolean result of the requestTrue/False
createClipIdString identifier of the created clip
createClipCreatedAtTimestamp of clip creation7/11/2022 3:01:53 AM
createClipUrlFull URL to the created clip

C# Usage

Create a 30 second Twitch Clip

public ClipData CreateClip()
Due to Twitch API restrictions, the generated clip will always be:
  • 30 seconds long
  • Titled to match your current stream title
To make your own changes to the clip duration or title, you can manually edit the clip later.