
Logic Sub-Actions Reference


The If sub-action performs a logical test on the contents of an Argument and if the result is true it will perform a named action and then either break the action or let it continue

If the test comes back False the rest of the IF statement will be ignored and the action will always continue to the next sub-action {.is-warning}

![logic-if.png](/logic-if.png =400x)



This is the Argument name to test

If you are still using v0.14 or below do not use % symbols in the variable name, for v0.15 and up it % symbols will be ignored in the Variable name {.is-info}


The Type of logical test to perform. Valid options are Equals, Not Equals, Contains, Regex Match, Less Than, Greater Than & Does Not Exist


The value for comparison

Do Action

The Action to perform if the logic test is true

If the Run Action Immediately checkbox is ticked, this will run the action outside its normal queue as if it were a subroutine of the current action, Streamerbot will return to this point in the action after it has completed

If the box is unchecked then Streamerbot will queue it as normal as a completely separate action and then move on immediately to the next sub-action


This specifies if the Action should Continue or Break after performing its named Action. This flag will only trigger if the test was True, if not it will always Continue

RegEx Match

The RexEx operator is used to perform a regular expression match on the contents of an Argument defined in Value.

Defining a RegEx

Using tools like RegExr you can more easily see a breakdown of the RegEx syntax and how it will work to make sure that it functions how you intend it. You can also see the C# RegEx Docs for C# specific syntax, but you can also use JavaScript based RegEx syntax and most RegEx Engines support it.