Read Random Lines From File

File Sub-Actions Reference


Using this sub-action, you can load the entire contents of a file into your action, then you can have the bot read a random line from the file and load it into a variable %randomLine%.

![sub-action-readrandomlinefromfile-01.png](/sub-action-readrandomlinefromfile-01.png =400x)


Parse Variables

If this option is selected, when reading in the lines, if there are any %variables% present, they will be replaced with the current contents of the specified variable. Example:

You have a file containing a list of welcome messages, such as: Welcome %user%. Greetings %user%. Nice to see you %user%, have a seat.

The %user% would be replaced when reading the file.

Attempt Auto-typing

While reading the contents of the file, an attempt will be made on each line to determine its ‘type’. So, if it's a number, it will make sure the variable is defined as a numeric, if it contains a string it will define the variable as a string. This is useful for future operations on the created variable.


This option defines the number of lines that will be read from the file.