Read Lines From File

File Sub-Actions Reference


Using this sub-action, you can load the entire contents of a file into your action, each line will be added as a new variable, %line#% where # would be from 0 to n-number of lines in the file.

![sub-action-read-lines-from-file-001.png](/sub-action-read-lines-from-file-001.png =400x)


Parse Variables

If this option is selected, when reading in the lines, if there are any %variables% present, they will be parsed for you.

For example, you have a file of welcome messages, that consist of Welcome %user%, with variations on that, the %user% would be replaced when reading the file.

Attempt Auto-typing

While reading the contents of the file, an attempt will be made on each line to auto-type it. So if it's a number, it will make sure the variable contains a number type.


lineCountThe amount of lines the file has.
line#Change the # to the line number e.g. if you have 3 lines it wil output: line0, line1, line2
fileFoundThis can be used to see if the file is present. Returns true or false.

The line count number starts at 0. E.g. if your line count is 20, your line# will go from 0-19. {.is-info}