Set Background Effect State


With the v0.1.8 you can set the Background Effect State's that are used from within the VoiceMod Application.

First make sure is connected to VoiceMod (if you haven't done this and /or don't know how please check out the how to connect to VoiceMod here.) Once you have done this you can now proceed to the set up this Sub-Action.


To do this navigate to the Actions tab, next you can either create a new action or use an existing one. Next in the Sub-Action's pane you will need to add this sub action so to do this we Right Click in the Sub-Action pane next navigate the menus through the following Add Sub-Action the down the second menu to VoiceMod the click on the Set Background Effect State action. Once selected a dialog box will appear like the one below.

![set-background-effect- state- dbox.png](/voicemod/set-background-effect-state-dbox.png =400x)

This dialog box has a drop-down menu box named "State". This menu has 3 states.

  • Enabled - Enables the Background Effects in VoiceMod
  • Disabled - Disables the Background Effects in VoiceMod
  • Toggle - Toggles between Enabled and Disabled states for the Background Effects in VoiceMod.

Once you select the desired state you want click ok to continue and that is it

If you want to test the effect, you have a Test button in the dialog box you can click to test this.