Select Voice

Have Select a voice


With the v0.1.8 you can set a Specific Voice in VoiceMod

First make sure is connected to VoiceMod (if you haven't done this and /or don't know how please check out the how to connect to VoiceMod here). Once you have done this you can now proceed to set up the Sub-Action.


To do this navigate to the Actions tab, next you can either create a new action or use an existing one. Next in the Sub-Action's pane you will need to add this sub action so to do this we Right Click in the Sub-Action pane next navigate the menus through the following Add Sub-Action the down the second menu to VoiceMod the click on the Select Voice action. Once selected a dialog box will appear like the one below.

![select-voice-dialog.png](/voicemod/select-voice-dialog.png =400x)

In this Dialog box you have a 'Voice:' drop down selection menu. In this menu it will list all the voices that are available for you to use when you have selected a voice , you can test the action via the Test Button.

When your happy with your selection you have made click Ok to continue.