Pledge Created

Patreon pledge created.


This event triggers when a pledge is created in Patreon.


The following variables will be populated when this trigger executes:

idThe ID of this event.
attributes.campaign_lifetime_support_centsAll the money that the campaign has raised (in U.S. cents).
attributes.currently_entitled_amount_centsAll the money that the pledge has raised (in U.S. cents).
attributes.emailThe full email address of the plegder.
attributes.full_nameThe full name of the plegder.
John Doe
attributes.is_followerIf the user is a follower.
attributes.last_charge_dateThe date the pledge was created.
attributes.last_charge_statusThe charge status of the pledge.
attributes.lifetime_support_centsThe amount of cents the user has given (in U.S. cents).
attributes.next_charge_dateThen next charge date of the user.
attributes.noteThe note that the user has given.
attributes.patron_statusIf the user is subscribed to your patreon.
attributes.pledge_cadenceNumber of months between charges.
attributes.pledge_relationship_startThe date that the user subscribed to your patron.
attributes.will_pay_amount_centsThe amount of cents the user has given (in U.S. cents).
user.Attributes.aboutThe about text of the user.
user.Attributes.createdWhen the account of the user was created.
user.Attributes.full_nameThe full name of the user.
John Doe
user.Attributes.first_nameThe first name of the user.
user.Attributes.last_nameThe last name of the user.
user.Attributes.hide_pledgesIf the user has their pledges hidden.
user.Attributes.image_urlThe profile image of the patron.
user.Attributes.is_creatorIf the user is a creator.
user.Attributes.like_countThe like count of the user.
user.Attributes.social_connections.deviantartThe link to the user's DeviantArt, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.discordThe link to the user's Discord, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.facebookThe link to the user's Facebook, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.googleThe link to the user's Google, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.instagram.urlThe link to the user's Instagram, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.instagram.user_idThe user's Instagram ID, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.redditThe link to the user's Reddit, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.spotifyThe link to the user's Spotify, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitchThe link to the user's Twitch, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitter.urlThe link to the user's Twitter, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitter.user_idThe user's Twitter ID, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.vimeoThe link to the user's Vimeo, returns null if not filled out. link to the user's YouTube, returns null if not filled out. user's YouTube ID, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.thumb_urlThe user's thumbnail URL.
user.Attributes.urlThe user's profile URL.
user.Attributes.vanityThe public "username" of the user. goes to this user's creator page. For non-creator users it might be null.
user.idThe user's ID.
user.typeThe user's type.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.titleThe title of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.descriptionThe description of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.amount_centsMonetary amount associated with this tier (in U.S. cents).
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.created_atWhen this tier was created.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.discord_role_idsThe discord role IDs granted by this tier. Can be null.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.edited_atWhen this tier was last edited.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.image_urlThe image URL of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.patron_countThe amount of patron that have subscribed to this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.post_countThe amount of posts that this tier can see.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.publishedIf this tier is published
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.published_atWhen this tier was published.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.remainingHow much remaining users this tier has.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.requires_shippingIf this tier requires shipping
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.unpublished_atWhen this tier was unpublished.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.urlThe URL of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.user_limitThe user limit of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].idThe ID of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].typeThe type of this tier.