Follow Created

Patreon follow created.


This event triggers when you get a follow in Patreon.


The following variables will be populated when this trigger executes:

idThe ID of this event.
attributes.campaign_lifetime_support_centsAll the money that the campaign has raised (in U.S. cents).
attributes.currently_entitled_amount_centsAll the money that the pledge has raised (in U.S. cents).
attributes.emailThe full email address of the plegder.
attributes.full_nameThe full name of the plegder.
John Doe
attributes.is_followerIf the user is a follower.
attributes.last_charge_dateThe date the pledge was created.
attributes.last_charge_statusThe charge status of the pledge.
attributes.lifetime_support_centsThe amount of cents the user has given (in U.S. cents).
attributes.next_charge_dateThen next charge date of the user.
attributes.noteThe note that the user has given.
attributes.patron_statusIf the user is subscribed to your patreon.
attributes.pledge_cadenceNumber of months between charges.
attributes.pledge_relationship_startThe date that the user subscribed to your patron.
attributes.will_pay_amount_centsThe amount of cents the user has given (in U.S. cents).
user.Attributes.aboutThe about text of the user.
user.Attributes.createdWhen the account of the user was created.
user.Attributes.full_nameThe full name of the user.
John Doe
user.Attributes.first_nameThe first name of the user.
user.Attributes.last_nameThe last name of the user.
user.Attributes.hide_pledgesIf the user has their pledges hidden.
user.Attributes.image_urlThe profile image of the patron.
user.Attributes.is_creatorIf the user is a creator.
user.Attributes.like_countThe like count of the user.
user.Attributes.social_connections.deviantartThe link to the user's DeviantArt, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.discord.urlThe link to the user's Discord, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.discord.user_idThe user's Discord ID, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.facebookThe link to the user's Facebook, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.googleThe link to the user's Google, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.instagramThe link to the user's Instagram, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.redditThe link to the user's Reddit, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.spotifyThe link to the user's Spotify, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitchThe link to the user's Twitch, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitter.urlThe link to the user's Twitter, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.twitter.user_idThe user's Twitter ID, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.vimeoThe link to the user's Vimeo, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.social_connections.youtubeThe link to the user's YouTube, returns null if not filled out.
user.Attributes.thumb_urlThe user's thumbnail URL.
user.Attributes.urlThe user's profile URL.
user.Attributes.vanityThe public "username" of the user. goes to this user's creator page. For non-creator users it might be null.
user.idThe user's ID.
user.typeThe user's type.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.titleThe title of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.descriptionThe description of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.amount_centsMonetary amount associated with this tier (in U.S. cents).
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.created_atWhen this tier was created.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.discord_role_idsThe discord role IDs granted by this tier. Can be null.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.edited_atWhen this tier was last edited.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.image_urlThe image URL of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.patron_countThe amount of patron that have subscribed to this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.post_countThe amount of posts that this tier can see.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.publishedIf this tier is published
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.published_atWhen this tier was published.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.remainingHow much remaining users this tier has.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.requires_shippingIf this tier requires shipping
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.unpublished_atWhen this tier was unpublished.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.urlThe URL of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].Attributes.user_limitThe user limit of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].idThe ID of this tier.
entitledTiers[#].typeThe type of this tier.