Wait For Remote Signal
Wait for a remote signal from another Streamer.bot instance

This integration requires the Streamer.bot Website Integration
If the subaction times out, only the
will be populated with a value of True
Select a specific instance or send it to any
Signal Namerequired
Name of the signal. The signal names have to match for "Send" and "Wait".
Overwrite Variables
If both actions (the sending and receiving one) have the same variable, the sending one will overwrite the receiving one when checked.
Time in milliseconds until the action times out. If left blank, it will default to 30000 ms. If no signal it being send over in that time, the subaction will abort.
The following variables will be populated after executing this sub-action:
Description | ||
hasResult | Bool | Indicator whether a result is included Example: True/False |
instanceId | String | The instance ID Example: dc01c234-567e-412b-ab5e-9a5a8385b85d |
instanceName | String | The name of the instance Example: SB Laptop |
instanceOs | String | The instance's operating system Example: windows |
instanceVersion | String | The Streamer.bot version of the instance Example: 0.2.4-alpha.18 |
signalName | String | The signal's name Example: Test Signal |
signalTimeout | Bool | Indicator whether the subaction timed out or not Example: True/False |
C# Usage
C# method does not exist for this sub-action