
C# Methods for Twitch > Chat


Sends an Action from either the Twitch Broadcaster or Twitch Bot Account (denoted by Italics in Twitch chat)

public void SendAction(string action, bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true)


Sends a Twitch chat message using either Twitch Broadcaster or Twitch Bot account

public void SendMessage(string message, bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true)


Send a Twitch Whipser to another user.

There are Twich limitations you have to consider before using this method:

  • The user sending the whisper must have a verified phone number.
  • The API may silently drop whispers that it suspects of violating Twitch policies.
  • Rate Limits: You may whisper to a maximum of 40 unique recipients per day. Within the per day limit, you may whisper a maximum of 3 whispers per second and a maximum of 100 whispers per minute.
public bool SendWhisper(string userName, string message, bool bot = true)


Sends a Twitch chat message using either Twitch Broadcaster or Twitch Bot account

public void TwitchAnnounce(string message, bool bot = false, string color, bool fallback = false)


Clear Twitch Chat

public bool TwitchClearChatMessages(bool bot = true)


Delete Twitch message via message id

public bool TwitchDeleteChatMessage(string messageId, bool bot = true)


Send a reply to a specific Twitch chat message

public void TwitchReplyToMessage(string message, string replyId, bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true)