Changelogs v1.0.0

Next Major Version!

New Features

  • UI Converted to WPF
  • Dark Mode
  • Nestable sub-action groups
  • Logic If/Else has been updated, true/false are now groups, and can add sub-actions directly to them
  • New Logic Switch Case sub-action
  • Execute C# Code sub-action now uses the Monaco editor
  • HotKeys are now at a trigger level, and support any combination
  • Add YouTube poll handling for starting and updating.
  • has been updated to .NET 4.8.1


  • Update common libraries and packages
  • Update Twitch EventSub AutoMod subscriptions
  • Twitch PubSub is no longer used
  • Command Settings are now in the WebSocket payload
  • Logic If/Else sub-action now adds Regex matches/groups as arguments
  • Twitch Add Random User has been updated to work with groups
  • Update YouTube and Trovo Send Message to use the updated fall back options
  • Update Twitch Add Target Info, Add Follow Age, Add VIP, Remove VIP, Add Team Info and Trovo Add Target Info to use the new style of specifying a variable
  • WebSocket DoAction now returns the ID and initial arguments associated with the queued Action
  • Application Crash messages will only show once now, instead of doing a solitaire win move
  • The built in !quote command has been removed and replaced with new sub-actions
  • How to favourite/unfavourite a Trigger or Sub-Action has changed, you now do this directly on a Sub-Action or Trigger that you've added


  • General fixes and tweaks, too many to track over the course of 3 months
  • Fix adding Trovo Broadcaster info to args, they were flipped


Surprise! This has been 3 months in the making, but there is finally a new UI in town, and it's been completely re-written in WPF. This means I'll have so much more flexibility. In addition to that, there is now a Dark Mode, the most requested feature.

Now for the bad news, I have not tested this, so I'm not sure how this will effect extensions that use custom designed WinForms dialogs for settings and such. The conversion to WPF is quite simple, and I will likely post a small template at some point to get you started.

Now, this is an alpha, this means there will be bugs, that is the whole point of it entering this stage first. If you wish to use this as your daily driver, be aware, things may or may not function correctly.

Want access to alpha, subscribe to nate1280's Patreon. alpha access now starts at Bronze Tier or higher.


Sub-actions got a bit of an overhaul as well, before, groups could only be top level items, now, they can be nested as much as you want, more flexibility when using the random option on a group now.

Logic If/Else

Logic If/Else has received a power-up, no longer do you need to specify an action to run for the true/false parts, you can now just add your sub-actions directly to the true/false groups, and because these are containers, that means you can nest groups as well.

Logic Switch

New with this release is a new Logic sub-action, the Switch Case. Same applies to this sub-action, add your logic switch, and you can add case groups, which can in turn have sub-actions nested in them


Twitch PubSub is being deprecated in April, so that means it's finally time to remove PubSub from the connection list for the Broadcaster Account.

What this means, the Ad Mid Roll sub-action no longer exists (to this day, still really don't know what it did), Channel Point Community Goals will cease to work until they're added to EventSub, and the Viewer count pulse has been updated to use other methods.


Quotes got a small overhaul, the built in !quote command is no more, it has been replaced with various sub-actions, so you now have full control over adding, deleting quotes by any means.

C# Changes

The following C# methods have been updated to account for the new useBot and fallback options.

void SendYouTubeMessage(string message, bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true, string broadcastId = null);
void SendYouTubeMessageToLatestMonitored(string message,bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true);
void SendTrovoMessage(string message, bool useBot = true, bool fallback = true);